As if me getting beat by the hated Yankee, A-rod wasn't bad enough. Now you forget he is actually on your team and give me a brief hope that I drafted him. Check your 10th pick. Oh and when I took a Philly slugger #1 I didn't realize I should have taken Jimmy Rollins.
My team looks as stable as Al Davis right now. He looks like Bernie from Weekend at Bernie's. Was he even alive up in that suite last season? He has always loved big armed QB's and stud WR's. Now he has to decide between the two and likely knows this will be his last chance before he officially dies.
So I'm on record, here is what I want from the Browns on Saturday. Trade for Daunte and then draft Calvin Johnson, or if gone take Adrian Peterson and then Troy Smith in 4th round and give him a shot in a few years. If no trade is made for Daunte take either Brady Quinn, or Calvin Johnson. Whichever one a Bucs fan like you would miss more!
1 comment:
You get neither and don't ike it! An I dont get CJ. Crap, I had my #21 jersey on pre-order....
Yes, I am an idiot - I got Young Blue Eyes!
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